Tips Dealing With Sick Special Needs Children.

When a child is ill, even with a minor illness such as the common cold, a parent faces new challenges. When a child with special needs gets an illness, the challenges are much more daunting. In addition, many children with special needs are difficult to diagnose and treat because of:

  • Communication problems
  • Sensory issues
  • Fear of strangers and/or needles
  • Health care workers inexperience dealing with children who have special needs.


Here are some tips I learned to help a sick child who has special needs.

-Tell the children what your doing.

-Social stories is a great tool to help children get a visual of what the environment will be.

-While waiting bring your children’s favorite snacks, tablet,drinks, books, and toys, so they can be occupied.

-Inform all medical staff or place of facility that your child or children is special needs so they can get help if needed.

-If hospitalization is required, your child will be out of his comfort zone and frightened. Try to increase his feelings of safety and security by surrounding him with familiar objects. Bring in toys, teddies, blankets and pictures to create familiar surroundings.




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